About Us
Jl. Pattimura No.14, Cinta Raja, Kec. Sail, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
0761 571 240
Selamat Datang Siswa - Siswi Baru. SMK Negeri 2 SIAP lepas landas menuju SMK Modern.


Kepala Sekolah SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru

Alhamdulillah, thankfulness to Allah SWT's presence, starting on February 15, 2018, I returned to join SMKN 2 Pekanbaru, and from that date, I was given the mandate to lead this school. For that reason, from now on we will start to be aware of the goals that we have made together, in order to realize SMKN 2 Pekanbaru, as a school that becomes a barometer, advancing vocational education in Riau Province.

This is no exaggeration, because entering the 2nd decade of the 21st century SMK Negeri 2 is moving forward as one of the reference schools in Riau Province, in the sense that this school has been named as a mining barometer of vocational education in Riau Province.

There are a number of things that we must pursue according to national vocational school programs, including Industrial-based Schools, and Teaching Vactory.

To that end, both of these programs in the near future we immediately evaluate their achievements, and reprogram things that need to be improved, from activities that have been started by my predecessor Mr. Suratno, S. Pd., MM. I really hope we are ready to take off towards the Modern Vocational School from the activities that have been carried out so far.

To the citizens of SMKN 2 Pekanbaru, they still remember the proverbial Malay slogan saying ”tak kenal maka tak sayang, tak sayang maka tak cinta”. And if we refer from the translation of the phrase is 'if you want to be loved and loved, then you must be known,' or, in other words, 'people will love us if they know us well'.

The string of simple words above is worthy of contemplation by anyone, who feels part of the education system at SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru, in order to introduce this school to anyone who needs information. And if you need deeper information, for this reason through this Website, we introduce SMKN 2 Pekanbaru to anyone who has time to read. With our meanings, we always open the doors and windows wide, so that anyone can see, watch, watch, and enjoy whatever is inside, not even from the outside, but welcome to come inside to integrate with each other.

SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru is one of the schools that is very concerned with the environment, because this school has a mission to produce graduates who care about the environment. From this school, the environmental and forage conditions around the school are always maintained and developed.

One of the evidence from the above activities is that SMKN 2 Pekanbaru received the National ADI WIYATA award in 2013, of course at the same time as one of the evidences that at SMK Negeri 2 has instilled cultural values ​​and national character. However, the real thing. students in this school are educated to be dedicated, independent and conscience. By continuing to uphold the moral values ​​of religion and culture, and love the environment. This attitude of love for the environment is always implanted.

When referring to the term modern education, one pattern that is instilled in SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru is TOTAL STUDENT Development. In other words, students are not only educated and trained for the technological skills they intend to develop, but also develop other competencies. In general, the competencies developed are referred to as technical competencies according to their respective fields, Social Competencies to be able to live and integrate in society, Personal Competencies are to instill confidence to be able to express what they have to others, as well as "Innovation and Entrepreneur competency for development future.

For this reason, in addition to gaining skills in accordance with competency expertise, the school always provides students with entrepreneurship and life skills through various media and school production units.

The use of information technology advances has always been emphasized in learning systems combined with innovative delivery methods. State Vocational School 2 Pekanbaru offers 15 competency skills that will educate students to become workers ready to enter the industry, or try to be independent.

Meanwhile, the implementation of the program for students who do not want to go directly into the community, the school provides additional learning for fields that do not exist in the SMK curriculum, as a provision for students to compete to enter tertiary institutions, which are guided by teachers who are professionals in education.

In addition to organizing education for regular students, SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru also offers special training programs for students dropping out of school as supplies to work or open independent businesses.

With the return of us together at SMKN 2 Pekanbaru, our hope to make changes and improvements in this school, Inshaallah we can realize together.

We will make it happen soon. That after our first official meeting on February 21, what must immediately be done is "Change the Face" of SMKN 2 Pekanbaru to be more beautiful, cleaner, more disciplined and good-looking and attractive, both in terms of the environment, teachers and staff and students.

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Wakil Kepala Sekolah

Ketua Jurusan







  • Layanan Jasa Teknik Informatika
  • Layanan Jasa Teknik Permesinan
  • Layanan Jasa Teknik Pengelasan
  • Produk Kimia Industri
  • Teknik Gambar Bangunan, Teknik Bisnis Konstruksi & Properti
  • Layanan Jasa Teknik Listrik
  • Layanan Jasa Teknik Elektronika Industri


Dasar Hukum

Rujukan penyelenggaraan Tecnopark di Indonesia , terdapat dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 106 Tahun 2017 tentang Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi Pada pasal 1 menyebutkan Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi (Science and Technology Park), yang selanjutnya disingkat KST adalah wahana yang dikelola secara profesional untuk mengembangkan dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi secara berkelanjutan melalui pengembangan, penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dan penumbuhan perusahaan pemula berbasis teknologi. Pada pasal 2 menyebutkan KST bertujuan mengembangkan dan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.


Technopark merupakan salah satu bentuk wadah untuk menghubungkan institusi SMKN 2 Pekanbaru dengan dunia industri. Definisi dari Technopark atau Science park adalah suatu kawasan terpadu yang menggabungkan dunia industri, sekolah, pusat riset dan pelatihan, kewirausahaan, perbankan, pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam satu lokasi yang memungkinkan aliran informasi dan teknologi secara lebih efisien dan cepat. Menurut International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) Technopark adalah taman Sains adalah organisasi yang dikelola secara profesional, dengan tujuan utama adalah meningkatkan kesejahteraan komunitas/ekosistem melalui budaya inovasi dan daya saing dari perusahaan dan institusi berbasis pengetahuan yang berada didalamnya..


terwujudnya sinergi fungsi dan peran akademisi, bisnis, dan pemerintah; tersedianya lingkungan yang kondusif bagi berlangsungnya kegiatan Penelitian, pengembangan, dan bisnis teknologi yang berkelanjutan; tumbuh dan terbinanya Perusahaan Pemula Berbasis Teknologi; terwujudnya perusahaan baru yang merupakan hasil Spin Off, dan tersedianya layanan teknologi untuk mendukung daya saing industri..







Smart Teacher


Selamat Datang Siswa - Siswi Baru. SMK Negeri 2 SIAP lepas landas menuju SMK Modern.
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Contact us

Jl. Pattimura No.14, Cinta Raja, Kec. Sail, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Phone: 0761 571 240
WA AdminWeb: 081268060000
Email: admin@smkn2-pekanbaru.sch.id