zoom struktur In carrying out their duties, the school principal is assisted by 4 deputy principals plus 1 quality management representative.
Namely the Vice Principal in the field of curriculum. In charge of curriculum and learning and evaluation, Vice Principal in Student Affairs in charge of Student Affairs, Vice Principal in facilities sector, in charge of educational facilities and infrastructure, and Vice Principal in public relations and industry who take care of community and industrial relations issues and at the same time take care of poor student work practices (Prakerin).
Meanwhile, the Expertise Study Program is led by the Chair of the Expertise Study Program, in this case directly responsible to the principal. This position is carried out with the rationale of the study program as the expertise of small school principals in the courses they lead.
Furthermore, this organizational structure can be seen in the chart below.
SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru, since 2006 has implemented the ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System and continued with ISO 9001-2008 in 2009. In this application, SMK Negeri 2 has set Standard Operational Procedures for all matters relating to educational activities.
These standard operational procedures are divided into 3 categories, namely the main procedures which are directly related to the educational process, the supporting procedures and the improvement procedures.
Meanwhile in the management of laboratories, particularly the Industrial Chemistry Labor, starting this year, students will be socialized about ISO 17025, which is about standardization that refers to SNI. With this pattern, later graduates when working in labor can quickly adapt to the systems that apply in the industry. It is expected that in the coming year, the Industrial Chemistry Laboratories of SMKN 2 can be certified with ISO 17025.
The management leadership has established an institution's Quality Policy that is known and understood by all personnel of SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru. The Quality Policy is:
"To provide satisfaction to customers, we are determined to become an international vocational education institution by consistently implementing the ISO 9001: 2008 requirements and applicable laws and regulations, as well as continuously improving quality."